
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Raspberry Cream Cheese Tea Ring

Okay, had to pick something from a catalog to support K1's boyfriend's choir fundraiser. Not a problem. I didn't even remember that I had until he called to let me know that it was in. So I got five pounds of chocolate chip cookie dough and a raspberry cream cheese tea ring. Had it for breakfast this morning. And while it was very delicious, it's nothing that I could not have done myself, honestly.

The only thing is, I would really like to know where they got or produced their filling. Because with my danishes and rings, if I use raspberry pie filling, it always runs too much. I have been thinking about maybe mixing in something that will help thicken it up. Although this one was runny too. But it was mixed with the cream cheese. I'm wondering if maybe I mix it with the cream cheese part, instead of piping it over top...

Okay, so that might be a plan for next time. I mean, understandably hot pie filling is going to ooze and drip. So we'll either fix it, or live with it!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another Win in the Smoker!

Okay, so we've done hot dogs, polish sausages, kielbasa and the chicken last evening was great. Today's choice was a specially cut and prepared deer roast. Now, that's about two to three pounds of meat. When my husband and I butcher, or more precisely, he butchers, I wrap, we do all the roasts up special.

Making some slices into the roast, we add diced onion, green bell pepper and chopped garlic. Tie it up, vacuum seal it and put it in the freezer. Normally I like to slow cook my roasts, to allow that flavor to spread through the entire roast. It's delicious that way. When we decided to do the roast in the smoker, I used a marinade that I thought would compliment those flavors. So I ended up adding A1's Chicago Steakhouse Style Marinade. It's a roasted onion and red bell pepper, tomato based marinade. It smelled wonderful right out of the bottle. Several hours in the marinade and then it was ready to go in the smoker.

Hubby set the temperature gauge for well done beef, since there isn't a wild game dial. We threw in a hickory applewood blend and let it go. We ended up taking it out just a little early, since we don't like deer or beef too well done. Let it rest while I got the rest of dinner together.

It was just amazing. Even the veg I had put in before hand had picked up the smoky flavor combined with the marinade. It was just delicious. And so on to our next area of experimentation with hubby's new birthday toy.

Tomorrow we search out jerky seasonings for homemade ground beef jerky. Ought to be fun!

Just to get in the mood today, this was a cake for me, done by the kids a couple of years ago. They were trying to copy the style I had done with D3's topsy turvy cake and for not baking a lot... then, I think they did just fine.

Kevin's Birthday Cake

It's that time of year again. We successfully dyed the potatoes green last night, in honor of St. Patty's day. Really amused all of us here, since D3 was setting leprechaun traps all over the house. She blames D2 for turning her back in the kitchen and letting that sneaky leprechaun in to get at the mashed potatoes.

So this morning, for fun the little ones got busy and made Daddy some white chocolate covered pretzels, with nonpareil sprinkles. For having less dexterity and coordination of an older person, they did really well. Really need to remember to take pictures of them doing this, but I can get a shot of the end result once I change the battery in my camera.

This afternoon I will be occupied with creating a German chocolate cake for husband's 40th birthday. It's the big one! Not like it's slowing him down any more than natural. As he proved to me to our satisfaction earlier. Ha!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Converting Bread to Rolls

So I pulled out an old bread recipe that I liked. Plain white bread. Since we were having seafood chowder for dinner tonight, I decided to spice the recipe up. Instead of plain white, I decided on another standby favorite. My beloved paprika onion bread. And instead of waiting for the dough to rise and rise, I just went ahead and rolled it out for biscuits.

Needless to say, it was a huge hit, with everyone. When the little ones wouldn't eat the chowder, they were devouring the rolls. Edies' boyfriend told me hands down, one of the best meals I have ever made that he's eaten. Hubby said much the same. Edie proved her love for it by stealing bites of of boyfriend's biscuit and chasing him around the house when he snagged the last one. Good times. Too bad SD missed out. But she was the one that wanted to sleep over at her friend's so badly.